Saturday, July 3, 2010

65 in 365

I recently started writing out my "Bucket List," of things that I want to do in my life.  Well, I did write down about 100 things that I wanted to do in my life, but the list just seems so daunting and un-doable. So I saw on Postcards from Insanity she made a list of 65 things that she would try to accomplish within in the next year. I like that idea better because it gives me some sort of deadline. The Bucket List just seemed so never-ending, that I probably would've procrastinated it all the way until I was on my death bed and then tried to cram a million things into a week.  Yes, I do like to procrastinate.
So here it goes, maybe writing about it here will help keep me accountable, I will update every month with things that I have accomplished. This list will be in effect for July 1, 2010-July 1, 2011.  June was just too completely busy with moving and everything. 

My 65 in 365 List  (in no particular order)

1.     Take at least 1 yoga class each month.  0/12

2.     Go to an outdoor concert.

3.     Ride my bike more.

4.     Plan and save for a trip to Europe for summer of '11.

5.     Create a better budget and stick to it.  0/12

6.     Buy a better car.

7.     Reach my goal weight.

8.     Run a 5k.

9.     Go on a roadtrip with just Nick.

10.   Buy a nice DSLR camera and learn how to use it.

11.   Get a haircut/trim 4 times. (Doesn't seem like a lot but I barely ever get to a salon)  2/4

12.   Get a manicure or pedicure 4 times.  1/4

13.   Volunteer at least 10 times. 4/10

14.   Try a spin class.

15.   Do at least 3 Girl's Night Outs.  1/3

16.   Wear a bikini proudly (never done that before). This is my year!

17.   Actually make a wedding album.

18.   Buy a couch.

19.   Try 20 new recipes. 5/20

20.   Write 1 blog post each week.  5/52

21.   Host a themed dinner.

22.   Get into Nursing school.

23.   Go to an amusement park.

24.   Do not eat meat for an entire month. (Must start over if I do eat meat)  0/30

25.   Learn a song on guitar.

26.   Join/Start a Book and Wine Club.

27.   Get my nose (re)pierced.

28.   Read 25 Fiction books.  2/25

29.   Read 5 Non-Fiction books.  0/5

30.   Make my bed every morning for a month. (Must start over if I don't)  0/30

31.   Lay out under the stars.

32.   Sell a piece of artwork.

33.   Sign up on the Bone Marrow Donor's Registry.

34.   Be a foster home for an animal.

35.   Host 3 Game Nights.  0/3

36.   Make Nick breakfast in bed.

37.   Trace my ancestry(and Nick's) as far back as I can.

38.   Get a tan (doesn't happen too often...I just burn!)

39.   Finish my recycled magazine trash bin.

40.   Send snail-mail to friends/family back home.

41.   Join the Red Cross.

42.   Get 10 followers on my blog. 3/10

43.   Send a letter and pictures to my friends/host family in Germany.

44.   Do something creative everyday for a month. 0/30

45.   See a play.

46.   Take an art class.

47.   Find more happiness in the everyday things.

48.   Reconginze the beauty of the world.

49.   Find a church that I enjoy going to.

50.   Fill up my art journal.

51.   Go camping.

52.   Make a mixed CD for Nick.

53.   Make handmade Christmas cards.

54.   Make something mosaic.

55.   Organize my art space.

56.   Set up an Etsy account to sell artsy stuff.

57.   Organize all the photos I have.

58.   Write a letter to each of my Grandmas every month.  0/24

57.   Go skydiving...again.

58.   Go canoeing or kayaking.

59.   Take a Zumba class.

60.   Go horseback riding.

61.   Perform a kind deed to 5 strangers without expecting anything in return. 1/5

62.   Take a ballroom dance class with Nick.

63.   Have a picnic.

64.   Read the Bible. (in progress)

65.   Tell at least 10 people about this List and encourage them to make one, too!


Let's see how I do!